Testing GPT-Based Apps — Jason Arbon

Mahathee Dandibhotla
2 min readMay 10, 2024


This is an article by Jason Arbon which talks about emerging challenges in testing GPT-based applications, focusing on the unique aspects of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT and how their flexibility in natural language processing demands a different approach from traditional software testing. Traditional software design emphasizes structure and predictability, while GPT-based systems can generate highly varied outputs from a wide range of inputs, leading to a new set of quality and testing issues.

Types of GPT-based Applications

There are two types of GPT-based apps:

  • Chat Apps that involve direct interaction with the LLM in a conversational format, such as ChatGPT, often requiring additional context or template prompts.
  • Productized Apps where the LLM operates in the background, processing text-based data but not directly exposing a chat-like interface to the user.

Challenges and Considerations in GPT-based App Testing

Several unique challenges and considerations are discussed in depth, including:

  • Usability: The unpredictability of LLM responses can confuse users. Designing a clear UX with example prompts and guidance is crucial.
  • Feedback Loops: Collecting user feedback is critical to improve the LLM’s performance and guide future training.
  • Input/Output Formatting/Parsing: The free-form nature of LLM outputs introduces risks of errors, making it crucial to preprocess and clean data before use in prompts.
  • State Management: LLMs can retain conversational context, creating challenges with unpredictable results.
  • Temperature Settings: This parameter controls the randomness of the output, requiring careful tuning based on the app’s needs.
  • Performance and Privacy: LLMs can be resource-intensive and may pose privacy risks if user data is exposed.
  • Security: LLMs are susceptible to prompt injection attacks and model poisoning, requiring attention to security vulnerabilities.
  • Token Costs and Throttling: Managing the cost and efficiency of LLM API calls is essential, especially since output can vary with even minor changes.
  • Failure Modes: Testing should account for possible partial responses or unexpected behavior due to the variable nature of LLMs.
  • Drift and LLM Versioning: Changes in LLM training data can lead to unexpected behavior, necessitating full regression testing even for minor updates.
  • Bias: LLMs are prone to biases from their training data, requiring strategies to detect and mitigate bias in responses.
  • Fine-Tuning and Monitoring: Fine-tuning can impact LLM behavior, requiring re-testing, while ongoing monitoring is crucial for maintaining reliability and quality.

It concludes by emphasizing the need for an AI-first approach to testing GPT-based applications. This involves addressing the unique challenges and complexities of LLM-based software to ensure accurate, reliable, and secure outputs. Testing traditional software methods may not be sufficient for these new AI-driven applications, requiring a more robust and comprehensive approach to prevent risks to users, companies, and careers.

