A summary on Testing: Bolt-on AI

Mahathee Dandibhotla
2 min readMay 10, 2024


Jason Arbon’s article explores the concept of integrating AI, specifically Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, into the software testing process. The central premise is that while AI is not perfect and often prone to errors, hallucinations, and inconsistencies, software testers can derive substantial value from it by adopting a flexible and curious approach. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Misconceptions and Challenges with AI in Testing:

  • Many testers are dismissive of AI’s potential in software testing due to its limitations, such as hallucination (fabricating answers), lack of critical thinking, and error-prone nature.
  • Testers often view AI’s flaws as a reassurance of their job security and use AI to confirm biases rather than explore its capabilities.

Testing with a Humble Approach:

  • Successful integration of AI in testing requires humility, curiosity, and a willingness to ask precise questions to reveal useful insights.
  • Testers should avoid focusing solely on finding ‘bugs’ and instead embrace a broader exploratory approach to unlock the potential of AI.

AI and Testing Insights:

  • AI can be a powerful tool for generating test cases, offering different perspectives, and automating repetitive tasks.
  • Jason Arbon’s example interaction with ChatGPT demonstrates how posing the right questions and engaging in an iterative dialogue can lead to more comprehensive and nuanced test cases, providing better test coverage.

Exploratory Testing and RST Methodologies:

  • Applying James Whittaker’s “Exploratory Software Testing” techniques, testers can conduct tours and utilize exploratory approaches to uncover issues in the boundary test example. This involves structured exploratory sessions, collaborative debriefs, and critical thinking.
  • Rapid Software Testing (RST) is a flexible methodology that emphasizes adaptability and responsiveness. However, it may have limitations in documentation, scalability, and formalization.

Leveraging AI for Testing:

  • AI can be leveraged to accelerate test case generation, suggest different test strategies, and provide a broader perspective on complex testing problems.
  • Using AI in testing requires thoughtful critical thinking, not just following formulaic processes. By engaging with AI, testers can discover new insights and improve their testing practices.

Final Thoughts:

  • AI, despite its flaws, is continuously improving and can be a valuable tool for software testers. Testers should approach AI with an open mind, questioning its output, cross-checking facts, and embracing the potential for collaboration and automation.
  • By integrating AI into their workflows, testers can stay ahead of the competition and enhance their testing capabilities, provided they remain humble, curious, and ready to explore beyond conventional boundaries.

In summary, he encourages testers to embrace AI’s potential in software testing, recognizing its limitations but also its rapid advancement and ability to enhance testing outcomes. By adopting an exploratory approach and leveraging critical thinking, testers can tap into the value AI brings to the field of software testing.

